Tips for More Cost-Effective Direct Mail

You know direct mail works and has worked for decades. But now the question is: How can you save money on mailing your next project? Here are some tips to make it more cost-effective to mail. First, make sure you don’t have duplicate or wrong addresses. Scrub lists on import for invalid addresses, zip codes, […]

7 Steps to Great Packaging for Your Business

Imagine you were looking for a product, and you saw two boxes side by side…one that was plain and one that contained exciting graphics. Which one would you try? Of course, you’d pick the exciting one. So why not carefully consider what your packaging looks like? Think about promoting your business with your packaging. It’s […]

7 Ideas for Combining Offline and Online Marketing

In today’s world, it’s all about teamwork—people working for the exact cause to make the most significant impact. And it’s also about teamwork in marketing—using online and offline tools to promote your business. When the two hold hands, nothing can stop that well-oiled machine. 7 Ideas on Using Offline and Online Marketing 1. Cross-Promote. Use […]

Why Direct Mail is Irreplaceable

Direct mail is not a new marketing topic, but it shouldn’t be forgotten. It is tried and true and will be here for the long haul. Recent studies show that direct mail’s average response rate of 9% is higher than the 1% average rate for email. 9 Reasons Direct Mail is Irreplaceable 1. Direct mail […]

Print Marketing: 8 Benefits to Leverage in Your Business

You’re always looking for ways to improve your business. What better way than with print marketing? Below are eight benefits print marketing provides to leverage in your business. 1. Print marketing is cost-effective. Print is cost-effective because of its high return on investment. The return on investment of print marketing is about 13 to 1. […]

7 Reasons to Use Print

You might think of Twitter, Facebook, and email when you think of marketing. But did you know print is still a popular marketing strategy? That’s right. It’s tried and true, and it’s so much more personal than clicking a variety of non-personal ads. The Global Commercial Printing Market projects the commercial printing market to grow […]

10 Ways Print Marketing Earns Repeat Customers

Loyal customers are extremely valuable. A 2% increase in customer retention has the same effect profit-wise as cutting costs by 10%, according to the book Leading on the Edge of Chaos.  Below are 10 ways print marketing can help you earn repeat customers. 1. Print builds trust; trust builds loyalty. Print is one of the […]